Advanced Interfaces

Potential Sheridan College Post Grad Program: Advanced Interfaces


Below is what an outline for Advanced Interaction might look like. Click the picture to expand. The specific technologies are in green. There is an expanded version at the bottom of the same two terms. Each specific technology course would have a final project. There would be no overarching capstone project. This way, the graduates would have at least a half dozen final projects featuring the various interfaces if you count the research labs as well. For more information on the interfaces, please select the icons at the bottom of the page.

The Industry tends to use Open Frameworks (C) and perhaps Processing (Java) for experimental works. Works have also been done in Flash (ActionScript). I would like to push the students towards projects that are ready for the marketing industry. This means we need to go beyond experimental works and fully integrate the interfaces into traditional marketing experiences.

Flash is ideal to bridge the gap between the experimental and marketing worlds. Excellent projects can be done with interfaces like Leap, Kinnect, Arduino, Muse, etc. that communicate with Flash to control animations, simulations and visualizations. Conversely, Flash can provide easily-made Web and mobile interfaces for controlling various projections, screens, sounds, etc. In other words, Flash will be the most designer-friendly, ubiquitous, complete and consistent environment for these projects. ActionScript is a transferrable skill to current interactive media and gaming. Many creators already know Flash as well. It would be good to stay open to other languages too - depending on the existing skill-set of the student.

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