
APPL54579 - 3 UNITS
Web Application Development 2 - (AD) Web apps with Ian

SQL Server Users:

Creating Logins & and User in SQL Server 2005.

IIS Server Settings:

Application settings and debugging security settings in IIS.

[6.25%] Magic 8 Ball Assignment DUE Jan 24th
[12.5%] Dynamic DB Lab DUE Feb 21st
[ 20% ] Midterm Exam (Week 7)
[ NA ](Break Week)
[ 30% ]Personal Project
[ 25% ]Client Project

Note regarding client projects: look into which technology your client uses for hosting. If they support ASP.NET use that for your client. If they use PHP use that technology. Don't try to use both.

If they can support either you're probably better off going with ASP.NET as that's what you've been working with for longer.

General Programming Notes

Below is a collection of notes and resources regarding general programming concepts and principals.

They were originally developed for the Director course but are being made available here. While the code examples are in Lingo the concepts are the same for all langauges.

  • Variables, Data Types, & Arithmetic Operators - PDF
  • Operations and Precedence - PDF
  • Interactive Flash Example of Boolean Logic


Object Oriented Programming with C#
    Lesson 1 - Object Oriented Programming with C#
  • Look at the concepts of Object Oriented Programming and how they apply to the C# language
  • Magic 8 Ball Assignment

Abstraction and Data Access
    Lesson 2 - Abstraction and Data Access
  • Create abstraction layers between program functionality and data access.
  • Separate application logic from database logic and make use of stored procedures within the database.
Authentication and Security
    Lesson 3 - Authentication and Security
  • Describe the different ASP.NET authentication modes and how they work.
  • Learners will be able to implement a Form based authentication system.
Data Integrity
    Lesson 4 - Data Integrity
  • Use constraints and other methods to ensure the integrity of the data stored within a database.
Lab: Creating a Database Driven Website
    Lesson 5 & 6 - Lab: Creating a Database Driven Website
  • Create a database driven website from design to implementation.
Lab: Creating a Database Driven Website
    Lesson 5 & 6 - Lab: Creating a Database Driven Website
  • Create a database driven website from design to implementation.
  • [12.5%] Dynamic DB Lab DUE Feb 14th
XML and Web Services
    Lesson 9 - XML and Web Services
  • Formatting and representing data in XML.
  • Understanding web services VS web sites.
  • Exchange XML formatted information with client side applications such as Flash.
Validating User Input
    Lesson 9 - Validating User Input
  • Implement input validation to prevent SQL injection attacks and related security exploits.

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