Welcome to the IMM Portal Site!

Updated: January 9th, 2007

Course Menu
  • Application Development 2 (AD) Web apps with Ian
  • Audio Video 2 (AV) After Effects & Encore with Dan
  • Motion Graphics (MG) Animation and Motion with Dan
  • Multimedia Pioneering 2 (MP) Speakers with Dan
  • Project Management 2 (PM) Clients with Ian
  • Web Authoring 2 (WA) Flash with Dan
  • Web Design 2 (WD) XHTML CSS JavaScript with Ian
  • Term One Content

  • Class Schedule Winter 2007 - PowerPoint
  • Academic Dates - HTML

    The Lab
  • AV Equipment Sign Out Sheet
  • Conduct and Lab Rules
  • Tech Support
  • Lab Access

    Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Computing and Engineering Sciences ~ Sheridan





















