
Project :: Personal

Make a Web application using classes in Flash with components if applicable. In conjunction with Application Development, have the Web application store and retrieve data to allow users to communicate with one another or at least store and retrieve information.

The application should differ from any of the exercises or assignments in either course. Some examples of an application are games, social tools and artistic applications. If you have any concern with your decision, please consult a professor.

REFERENCE is about as simple as you should get about as complicated


Post the Web application on the IMM server at:
/studentDirectory/webapplication/index.html - or the equivalent.

Put all files on a disc with your name and any readme files as well as a link to your index page above

[This should take you 30 hours for the Flash side]

Due Apr 6 at 4PM


worth 30% of five credits

20   Marks for Class Structure
20 Marks for Component Work or Equivalent
20 Marks for Data Handling
20 Marks for Creativity of Application
20 Marks for Relevance and Relation of Parts to Content

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















