
Course Description
In this course, students will learn to create interactive multimedia environments through which multiple users can interact with each another on the Web. Students will learn to use an authoring tool (Macromedia Flash) to create projects that send and receive data to and from a server. In conjunction with the Web Application Development course, learners will have a complete data sharing system to facilitate communication, shared states, and administration. This will allow students to make Web applications, chats, multiplayer games, use Web Services and build content admin systems to remotely updated sites. The focus is not on using a Flash navigation to present pages and pages of information from a database, although students will learn the skills to do this.

Ways that data is passed back and forth will be examined, in particular, URL encoded variables and XML. Data and user interface Flash Components will be examined. Shared audio, video and programming objects will be explored using the Flash Communication server. Live video can be embedded into multimedia environments. Video conferencing is a basic application but there are many others uses.


Program Context
Interactive Multimedia encapsulates games and puzzles; tools and applications; artistic and experimental work; and simulations for education and entertainment. Its main strength is providing computer augmented environments in which people can create content and communicate with one another. Focus is on interactivity beyond navigation.

In the first term, students learn to create interactive multimedia for a single user. The second term deals with interactive multimedia where multiple users can communicate either directly or indirectly through a server. The course is complimented by Web Application Development and will provide support for the Flash components of the client and personal projects set out in the Project Management 2 course.

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Interactive Multi Media ~ School of Computing & Information Management ~ Sheridan College