Web Services Status I tried the Web Services in one of your folders on the IMM server and it worked. If you name the second file incorrectly, you get: "error=operation+translate+not+present." For instance if you had: $url = "http://imm.sheridanc.on.ca/IMM2005/student/ws_translation.php?wsdl"; Note the ws_ infront when you may have called the file with wa_ like so: /IMM2005/student/wa_translation.php The lovely error: "Charset from HTTP Content-Type 'UTF-8' does not match encoding from XML declaration 'ISO-8859-1'" is new with the new version of nusoap.php. As soon as I used the old version it went away. I have looked into the error for the last hour and do not have a solution. So, I have posted the old nusoap.php in place of the newer one. Please download the new nusoap.php file (same link as before) and try it with that one. You can link to it with a relative link too. I apologize for not catching these issues - I was not feeling very well - when my server is down, I am down. It is still broken and I am still dizzy. Oh well. See you tomorrow. Dan