
Please fill in the questionnaire to reflect on the past lesson. Studies have shown that this increases grade by 10% and also will give the professor feedback as to how learning is progressing.

Student Name:

Outcome: Given the LoadVars object in Flash, learners will make an object with properties that hold the data to be sent to PHP and another object with properties to hold the data that will be sent back from PHP.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the sendAndLoad() method and the onLoad event in Flash, learners will send data to PHP and run a function when the data comes back from PHP and triggers the onLoad event.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the format in PHP to collect POST variables being $_POST["name1"]; and the CGI format of name1=value1&name2=value2, learners will collect data in PHP and send data back to Flash.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the format in PHP to read and write a text file, learners will be able to store and retrieve data from the server. This functionality will be improved upon when we learn database connection.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Having met the previous outcomes to pass variables between Flash and PHP, learners will be able to create applications in which Web users can communicate with each other through the server.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Knowing how to connect between Flash and PHP learners will realize that it is very similar to connect between Flash and another scripting language and it is exactly the same on the Flash side.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

What was the most INTERESTING thing you learned and why?

What area or areas are you UNSURE about?

   please fill in all fields

Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan