
ASSIGNMENT :: COmponents Cheat Sheet

Create a flash file that has every user interface component on it with a little component name title, and brief description for each (treat this as an exercise in information design). Make at least five components interoperate and indicate this with bright arrows. If you cannot fit them all on one then consider using the scroll pane or it is okay to make a couple flash files.

Make a theme for your sample data. It should kind of look like some crazy cheat sheet!

Please include a link on your cheat sheet to the fla file that made it. These will be presented to about 1000 industry contacts and Alumni much like we have presented tutorials in the past.


Post your html page to your swf on the IMM site under:


Put your swf and fla files in there too.

[This should take you 10 hours]

Due Mar 9 at the start of class


Worth 20% of five credits

20   marks for completeness
20   marks for clarity

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















