
IMM Server

If anyone has a problem, email aces_support@sheridanc.on.ca.

There are three locations that you will need to FTP to or set up sites for in Dreamweaver. In each case you use imm.sheridanc.on.ca and your usual username and password (password is your student number). Use the following directories for your three locations - replace the word username with your username:

WWW - http://imm.sheridanc.on.ca/imm2006/username

FTP - IMM2006/username/ - this gets you in to your files

IMM2006/username/comm/ - this gets you in to your FlashComm swf/html files

IMM2006/username/commapps/ - this is where you make your directories that match the swf name

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan