

Document Type Definition.

  • is a set of rules that define what TAGs are allowed in a document, what attributes the TAGs have, and what relationship the TAGs have with each other.
  • Is required to have a valid XML document.
  • It is a set of rules for using XML to represent specific types of documents.
  • Contains additional META data information that describes the data.
  • A convenient syntax for defining a document structure.
  • Is the heart of the concept of structural validity that makes applications based on XML robust and reliable.
  • It declares what components are necessary for complete processing of the document.

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

    Rendering a Page

    The browser renders an xHTML document from the top to the bottom. Basically starting from the opening <html> tag to the closing </html> tag.

    The greater the lines of code items to render, the longer it will take to display the page. A page that is a series of complicated tables, will take longer to render than a simple page of one table and text.

    This is way we generally have guidelines, like no more than 3 nested tables (tables within tables) and we try to streamline the coding process as much as possible. Being efficient will make editting easier.

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