
Chart of Links
Link Type Example Link Syntax
Same directory or folder index.html to page1.html, both in "project" folder Type the file name: “page1.html”
Down one level in a sub-folder (away from the root) index.html in the root to subpage1.html in the "support" directory “support/page1.html”
Up one level
(towards the root)
page1.html in the "support" directory to index.html in the root “../index.html” “../” means to go up one level or folder within the directory structure
To another subdirectory at the same level page1.html in the "support" directory to picture1.jpg in the images directory “../images/picture1.jpg” up one level, find the images directory and then find picture1.jpg

HREF Link syntax:

<a href="filename.html">...</A>

<a href="http://www.website.com/filename.html">...</A>

<a href="http://www.website.com/filename.html" target="_blank">...</A>

Linking internally using Anchors

<A NAME=section2>

And to link to the anchor - <A HREF="filename.html#section2">...</a>

Creates a mailto link

<a href="mailto:email address here">your email</a>

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan