
Working with Images

Adding images to an xHTML document requires that you use proper formating to control the outcome or display of the xHTML page.

The type of images that the browser can display are:

  • jpg
  • gif
  • bitmap
  • png

    It is best to use jpg's and gif's as the other image types often require a filter plug-in to be installed or do not properly handle the image type.

    The tag for images is <img src="path to the image/image name">

    Additional Parameters are added to make the control the display of the image.

    width="" height="" - states the actual dimensions of the image.

    align="" - Aligns the image to the left, right, or center

    valign="" - Vertical aligns the image to the top, middle, bottom, texttop, textbottom or baseline

    alt="" - Is a description of the image that displays when moused over

    border="" - width of a border to be placed around the image

    Images can be used as links when used within an <a href> tag.

    <a href="url"><img src="images/button.gif" width="25" height="25" border="0" alt="link to home page"></a>

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    Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan