
Project :: Personal

See Project Management requirements. Basically, for this course, the final project will be marked. It is to be a Flash project that uses ActionScript to support interactivity beyond navigation.

Examples of the type of project you might make are games, puzzles, tools, applications, artistic and experimental work, and simulations for education and entertainment. See if you can set up an environment in which people can create engaging content.

The project is worth 30% of 5 credits and is due Dec 8 at 4pm. It should be posted on the IMM server in your directory unless and external site is arranged. All files must also be submitted on a CD labelled with your name.

5    HTML, SWF, FLA files posted in IMM site in personal folder
5 Sound and/or video
20 ActionScript to create engaging interaction beyond navigation
10 Creativity & Imagination
20 Relevance and relation of parts to content

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















