
Project :: Client

See Project Management requirements. Basically, for this course, the final project will be marked. It is to be a Flash project that supports the client Web site or if desired is an alternative site for the client but see below.

It must be more than just navigation. In general, only the interactive aspects will be graded where users can make their own content. Sometimes this is hard to work in with client requirements. It takes imagination and creativity to come up with ways to make interactivity relevant. Think primarily of interactive advertising and e-learning for the client project.

The assignment will be worth 20% of 5 credits and is due Dec 15 at 4pm. It should be posted on the IMM server in the appropriate client directory unless and external site is arranged. All files must also be submitted on a CD labelled with the client and all your group members.

5    HTML, SWF, FLA files posted in IMM site in client folder
5 Sound and/or video
20 ActionScript to create engaging interaction beyond navigation
10 Creativity & Imagination
20 Relevance and relation of parts to content

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















