
Course Description
In this course, students will learn to use Macromedia Flash to create engaging digital environments in which people can interact. Interactivity beyond navigation will be explored to create features where the user can not only view content but can also make and manipulate content. Text, animation, motion graphics, audio and video will be controlled using rollovers, clicks, drags, hit tests, keyboard entry, random functions, timed events, configurations, stored information and scripted artificial intelligence.

Students will learn to dynamically control movieclips including properties such as rotation, movement, transparency, and size. Nested movieclips will be used to create advanced control over animation. Dynamically loaded movieclips will be explored to facilitate external loading of pictures and other files into the current file.

Advanced interactivity is obtained through ActionScript, the Flash object oriented language. Students will start with programming basics suitable for a designer's background and advance through use of variables, functions, loops, conditionals, arrays and objects. By the end of the course, apart from server-side skills to be acquired in term two, students will have the skills to comfortably make a wide range of Flash projects.

Program Context
Interactive Multimedia encapsulates games and puzzles; tools and applications; artistic and experimental work; and simulations for education and entertainment. Its main strength is providing computer augmented environments in which people can create content and communicate with one another. Focus is on interactivity beyond navigation.

The basics of Flash as well as client-side scripting using Flash's ActionScript will be covered in this course. Multiple ways of connecting Flash to server-side scripts and databases will be explored in the second term Web Authoring 2 course. AcionScript skills will be transferable to JavaScript which gets practiced in Web Design 1 and 2. This course provides support for the Flash components of the client projects and personal projects set out in the Project Management 1 course. Elements prepared in the Visual Design and Audio Video courses will be integrated into Flash in this course.

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Interactive Multi Media ~ School of Computing & Information Management ~ Sheridan College