
Please fill in the questionnaire to reflect on the past lesson. Studies have shown that this increases grade by 10% and also will give the professor feedback as to how learning is progressing.

Student Name:

Outcome: Given SharedObject class in Flash, learners will save and retrieve data on the client's machine much like cookies in the browser world or session variables in PHP. This will allow us to personalize our features and keeps scores in games, etc.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the getURL("Javascript:someFunction()") method and parameter, learners will call JavaScript functions from Flash in order to execute any of the JavaScript commands such as popping up a window or an alert message or using a regular expression to validate a string.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the SetVariable() function in JavaScript, learners will set the value of a TextField in Flash in order to pass data from JavaScript to Flash.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the LocalConnection class in Flash learners will call a function in one swf file that executes in a second swf file to communicate between multiple swf files running at the same time.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

What was the most INTERESTING thing you learned and why?

What area or areas are you UNSURE about?

   please fill in all fields

Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan