
Please fill in the questionnaire to reflect on the past lesson. Studies have shown that this increases grade by 10% and also will give the professor feedback as to how learning is progressing.

Student Name:

Outcome: Given the getBytesTotal() and getBytesLoaded() methods of a MovieClip, learners will create three different types of preloaders – a percentage, a progress bar and an animation.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the bandwidth profiler in the Flash testing mode, learners will be able to see how long the movie will take to load and test their preloader at various bandwidths.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given technique for creating shape tweens in Flash, learners will make one shape morph into another.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the setInterval() function in Flash, learners will repeat a block of code after a specified number of milliseconds has passed and be able to stop the interval from repeating if desired.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the Flash Publish Settings, learners will publish HTML and swf files in a normal manner, a transparent window, with and without version detection, and be able to save profiles.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

What was the most INTERESTING thing you learned and why?

What area or areas are you UNSURE about?

   please fill in all fields

Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan