Visual Design 1

Assignment :: Personal Project Wireframe & Mockup


Since many of the Game of Chance assignments appeared rather rushed I'm offering this revised assignment.

For next Friday, Nov 10th @ 12:00 noon post a links to your Personal Project wireframe (for PM) and mockup (for VD).

Wireframe: create the same sort of wireframe layout as you've been doing for the paper prototyping exercises. Only do one or two screens, as necessary, to convey the principal navigation / layout of your website. This should be posted as a GIF or JPG.

Mockup: a graphic version of the wireframe. Basically a "Photoshop" version of your web page. This shouldn't just be the wireframe again, but the actual look you plan the site to have. Obviously no buttons would actually be clickable. This can be revised by you before the final site is done. This should be posted as a GIF or JPG.

Note: this is optional. If you feel your Game of Chance wireframe & graphics / interface design were good you can elect to have me mark that instead. I will not mark both. You can't get your mark back for the GoC then decide to to this makeup assignment.

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















