Visual Design 1

Assignment :: Personal Project Interface


Create a high-fidelity wireframe (like our Paper Prototypes) for your personal project's main page & create a Mockup of the page.

The mockup is your visual design laid out in Photoshop. It's as if you took a screen shot of an existing web site: it looks like what the web page will look like, but isn't actually functional. This doesn't have to be completely finalized from what you turn it - but it should be close.

Breakdown: /10

  • Use of design principles - proximity, contrast, repetition, alignment: /2
  • Typography - fonts, kerning, etc: /2
  • Execution of design - realization of ideas and quality of work: /2
  • Usability - easily understood interface: /4

Due: Open until Nov 7th.

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















