Project Management 1

Testing Plan

A testing plan documents how a project will be tested, what will be tested, what won't be tested, what constitutes success and failure.

Depending on the project a Testing Plan can be very large and take weeks to write!

Testing is a critical part of any project. Every possible action should be tested on a variety of platforms. What works on one machine may not work on another. This should be caught by your team, rather than a client.

Planning how this will be done is important. Without a Test Plan how do you determine what needs to be tested, making sure you don't leave anything out? How do you track what isn't working so it can be fixed? Since it's impossible to test every possible scenario, what limitations are being placed on the testing?

Read over the following links:

For the assignment, in your client groups put together an initial testing plan including information found in the Introduction, Requirements, and Test Strategy sections of the template linked above.

Please E-Mail the document to me with the subject: PM - Test Plan

This is due by Nov 21st

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