
[05%] Game of Chance (Oct 13)
[05%] Self Portrait Assignment (Sep 22)
[20%] Midterm Exam - Short Answer (Oct 19 tentative)
[20%] Final Exam - Build It (Nov 10)
[30%] Personal Project (Dec 3)
[20%] Client Project (Dec 10)

Calendar Summary for Printing

Interactive Multimedia Theory (Sep 7)
Lesson 1 - Interactive Multimedia Theory
Flash Basics (Sep 8)
Lesson 2 - The Flash Authoring Environment, Assets & Animation
Programming Basics (Sep 14)
Lesson 3 - Objects, Properties, Methods and Events
Lesson 4 - Targeting & Dynamic Pages
Lesson 5 & 6 - Variables, Functions, Conditionals, Loops, Arrays
Building Features (Sep 28)
Lesson 7, 8, 9 - Ideas, Planning and Development
Lesson 10 - Masks & Listeners
Lesson 11 - Advanced Arrays
Lesson 12 - Exam Review
Exam Week (Oct 19)
Reading Week (Oct 25)
Building Features Continued (Nov 3)
Lesson 13, 14 - Dragging & Hittests
Exam Week (Nov 10)
Custom Objects (Nov 17)
Lesson 15 - Theory, Classes, Properties & Methods
Lesson 16 - Inheritance - Sub and Super Classes
Client Side Communication (Nov 24)
Lesson 17 - Progress Bars
Lesson 18 - Shared Local Object, JavaScript, Local Connection
Personal Project Week (Projects Due Dec 3)
Client Project Week (Projects Due Dec 10)
Open House Week (On Dec 15)

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Interactive Multi Media ~ School of Computing & Information Management ~ Sheridan College