Project Management 1

Letter of Agreement - Simple

It should be printed on your company stationary.

Dear _____ Client Name ____________

I'm pleased that you have selected me to develop your ____Name of Project _____ . The following information will clarify our discussion of ____ day of discussion ____ :

I agree to furnish you with ____ Name of Project _____ . If you wish, my services can be extended to including ______ value added services _________ services.

The ________ project _______ will be generated directly from materials that you will prepare, and furnish to me. I understand that this information will be in complete readiness for publication. If it becomes necessary to research or enhance any of the materials provided, I will request your authorization before proceeding.

Unless we specifically agree, we should plan on meeting ______ how often, or specific dates ____________ to review and approve work thus completed.

I estimate that the project will take about ___ how many ____ hours (plus/minus ___number of ____ hours). I agree to inform you as soon as possible if I believe these time parameters can not be adhered to.

I will inform you of any material that I believe requires the review and/or approval of a third party such as consultant, attorney, or programmer, although I make no claims to expertise in such areas.

Payment will be at the rate of $___ how much ___ /hour, paid as follows:

  • 1. An initial payment of $ ___ how much ___ , the fee for __ how many ____ hours of work, paid on agreement.
  • 2. Additional payments to be billed at ____ number of _____ increments beginning at _______ Date, or money amount ___________ .

    At any point that you or I wish to cancel this agreement, both verbal and written notice will be given, and an invoice of unbilled time will be rendered.

    While copyright rights and full ownership of the completed ______project ________ belongs to you, It is understood that I may, in the future, use the ____ project _______ in my portfolio as an example of my capabilities, and that I may use your company's name on my client list.

    Your reply with a signed copy of this agreement to me, along with the initial payment shall act as my notice to commence with the project. An invoice for the initial payment is enclosed.

    I look forward to being of service to you and your company.


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    Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan