Letter of Agreement - Complicated

Replace your name every where is says "SELLER" and put the Client's name every where it says "Buyer". Both parties should sign two originals of this contract. It should be printed on your company stationary.

ASSIGNMENT Intellectual Property Rights

_________________________ (Seller) owns all copyrights and other rights to and wishes to assign those rights to ______________________(Buyer).

In consideration for the payment described in the following section of this agreement Seller hereby transfers and assigns all copyrights and all other rights in __( Name of Property )__ to Buyer. Buyer shall have the right to register the copyright in Buyer's own name and shall have the exclusive right to dispose of the copyright in any way Buyer sees fit.

Seller retains the rights to display, show or otherwise utilize visual images of this property in the Seller's portfolio and sales or collateral materials for the purpose of illustrating examples of the Seller's intellectual and creative capabilities with or without disclosure of the above declared Buyer's name. This includes black and white, color, and other methods either printed or electronic that the Seller deems necessary to promote the Seller's own talents.

The assignment of this section shall take effect on _________________, 20__.

In consideration of the Assignment described above Buyer has paid, in full, to the Seller the sum of $__________ on _______________, 20__. This shall be the only amount paid to Seller.

Seller warrants that Seller has the legal right to grant Buyer the assignment set out in this agreement and that such assignment does not infringe any third parties' rights.

Seller warrants that there are no pending lawsuits, liens or other encumbrances concerning any aspect of the copyright and that the copyright has not been published in such a way as to lose any of its copyright protection.

This Agreement is freely assignable by both parties.

This Agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the legal successors and assigns of the parties.

________________________________ Date: _______________ Signed

________________________________ Date: _______________ Signed

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