Project Management 1

Quoting Exercise

Using the spreadsheet from days lesson, build a quote for a website based on the following information:

This is an exercise in building a quote for a web site design. Students will work in groups of two to build an estimate and write up a quote for a project.

Using the information and knowledge you have gained from building your client projects and from project management class, create a one page quote for design for a small family run hockey shop which caters to the various kids leagues that play in the area.

Currently, the company fields approx. 20 to 30 calls per day from parents with inquiries to store hours, what is the cost of a skate sharpening and what is the weekly special. They are closed on Mondays. The storeowner wishes to add new staff to deal with the busy Saturday mornings for skate sharpening and shoppers. The weekly special is promoted each week in a local area paper.

The shop had a website and promoted the site properly in their print advertising or business cards. The print material has the web address, but the website is very out of date. The store owner needs to see the value in having a new website.

The quote worksheet is available here.

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