Project Management 1

In Class Case Study

Biotech Corporation

Nick Carson (Cub PM) was recently made project manager of a critical biotech project for his company in Silicon Valley. This project involved creating the hardware and software for a DNA sequencing instrument used in assembling the human genome. Each instrument sold for approximately $200,000, and various clients would purchase several instruments. One hundred instruments running 24 hours per day could decipher the entire human genome in less than two years. The biotech project was the company's largest project, and it had tremendous potential for future growth and revenues.

Unfortunately, there were problems managing this large project. It had been underway for three years and had already gone through three different project managers. Nick had been lead software developer on the project before senior management made him project manager. Senior management told him to do whatever it took to deliver the first version of the software for the DNA sequencing instrument in four months and a production version in nine months. Their urgency in getting the project out was influenced by negotiations for a potential buyout with a larger company.

Nick was highly energetic and intelligent and had the technical background to make the project a success. He delved into the technical problems and found some critical flaws that were keeping the DNA sequencing instrument from working. He was having difficulty, however, in his new role as project manager. Although Nick and his team got the product out on time, senior management was upset because Nick did not focus on managing. He never provided management with accurate schedules or detailed plans of what was happening on the project. Instead of performing the work of Project Manager, Nick had taken on the role of software integrator and troubleshooter. Nick, however, did not understand senior management's problem-he delivered the product, didn't he? Didn't they realize how valuable he was?


1. What do you think the real problem was in this case?

2. Does the case represent a realistic scenario? Why or why not?

3. Was Nick Carson a good Project Manager? Why or why not?

4. What could Nick have done to be a better Project Manager?

5. What should senior management have done to help Nick?

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