Project Management 1

Assignment: Game of Chance - 5%

Instructions: Using your knowledge of information architecture, storyboarding and wireframing, from the examples and exercises in class, create a wireframe prototype interface for the Game of Chance. The interface should follow proper information design principles and information architecture

Information design - display of relevent information (you've won or lost).

Information Architecture - display of information about the game, how to play, replay, win, lose, placement of buttons and if necessary label ie. play again;

Do not create your wireframe - post production.

The assignment will be worth 5% of 2 credits and is due Oct 12 at the start of class. It should be posted on your Web site at:


20    Creation of a Wireframe or paper prototype
40 Use of Information Design and Architecture - placement of buttons
40 Usability of end product - ease of use

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