Project Management 1

Interaction Design:

The pace and sequence of interactivity is defined by the user. The designer or developer has to figure out what the user wants at any given time. Interaction Design defines where and how to give control to users.

User has the decision making role in interactivity. Deciding on what to view, read or ignore. Without proper interaction design, content may never be viewed or ignored.

Using a flowchart and moving to a storyboard, a designer establishes the navigational pathways, context for the content and user controls. This turns passive information gathering into an experience.

On a global level:

  • Motivate users to engage the content.
  • Provide the user clear guidance and options to navigate the content.
  • Create an interactive journey or a clear path through the information.
  • Give the user control
  • Allow them to go where they want, when they want.
  • Make the experience as easy and intuitive as possible.
  • Make information gathering seemless.
  • Provide a framework or context for the content or experience.

    How much interaction to provide? This is dependant on the type of experience you want the user to have.

    Interaction design goals are: clarity, simplicity, ease of use.

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    Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan