

The eight hour Multimedia Pioneering prototype! The goal is to make an engaging Flash prototype feature for something bigger than the average computer screen - could be internal walls, floors, mall or building walls...The assignment is in conjunction with AV where you will learn to use video as input.

Touchpad, video, infrared and laser technologies make it possible to receive input from our world outside the desktop mouse. Large screen displays such as OLED let us display the results prominently within our environment. For our prototype we will assume touchpad and video interaction - so touching a wall. Floors might also be applicable. If learners have an alternative in mind, they may speak to the professor.

We will try to set up several touch screens and Web cams during open house and theme our open house as Interactivity Big and Small. Small will be the prototype for next term. This is something relatively new and might capture the imagination of the multimedia industry.

Prototypes must be built in class although ideas can come at any time. The professor will make routine rounds to help with any issues and evaluate your entrepreneurial attitude. You will be able to test your work on the SMART board at the front.

The prototype is due at the start of class on Dec 14. On that date we will also have presentations. Presentations must start with a one minute elevator pitch - see links below. Then the class will come up and try the interactive feature. Total presentation time will not exceed ten minutes.

The assignment will be worth 40% of 2 credits and is due Dec 14 at the start of class. It should be posted on your Web site at: /mp/assignments/prototype.html

10%    Entrepreneurial Attitude (Based on Class Discussions)
10% Elevator Pitch
20% Effectiveness (Based on Audience Appreciation During Report)
20% Quality
20% Creativity & Imagination
20% Relevance and relation of parts to content

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















