Program Overview - Interactive Multimedia

Post-Graduate Program


Here are some common-sense ground rules for students in the Interactive Multimedia Post-Graduate Program, including issues relating to classroom, assignments, tests, time management, housekeeping, and student-client relationships. These are based on previous classroom experiences.

Please discuss course related issues with your professor first. He or she may refer you to the coordinator and in some cases the coordinator may refer you to the associate dean.

Please turn off cellphones during class. If you must have your cellphone on, please set it to quiet alert.


Please arrive on time. Punctuality and regular attendance in all classes is encouraged. Classroom instruction begins at the time noted on your timetable. Please arrive on time a courtesy to the instructor and more importantly, your fellow students. Individuals who arrive late disrupt the entire class; the instructor has discretion with late arrivals.

General College policies and procedures, including those related to academic and grade appeals, are outlined in the Student Handbook/Tracker's Guide, as well as on the Student Affairs Advocacy web site ( It is the responsibility of every student to obtain a copy of the Student Handbook and to understand and follow the processes outlined.

Reflection Form

Program and Course feedback is encouraged. So please use the "Reflection Form" after each class to provide your instructors feedback. This ensures we are meeting your educational needs and can make changes to the delivery of instruction if needed.

Also, studies have shown that reviewing or reflecting increases the amount of knowledge retention by 10% - which translates to better grades!

Instant Messaging

Instant messaging is discouraged during lectures. In the past, it has caused students to fall behind in lectures. Students will asked to turn off all Instant Messaging (ICQ, MSN, etc.) during lecture time. Instructors have discretion with dealing with infractions.

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















