
Course Description

In this course, students will examine interactive audio/video in two ways. Part 1 will give a theoretical overview of interactive audio/video as output. Examples include DJ'ing, VJ'ing, branching, iTV. Learners will acquire the basic skills to capture, prepare and playback audio and video in interactive systems for the Web in general and Flash specifically. Various static and dynamic effects in Flash will be looked at. Part 2 will give a theoretical overview of interactive video as input and will provide learners with the skills to capture motion for controlling interactive features in Flash. Examples include gesture control, video installation art, and shape and color recognition.

In general, learners use pre-made video in the first term and then make video in the second term. On most occasions in industry, interactive multimedia designer/developers will not be asked to make traditional video. However, knowing what they can do to make video interactive is important. Once they know what they can do with video, then they are in a better position to know what kind of video is needed for interactive video. In the second term they will pursue how to make video for interactivity including editing and effects in Premiere and After Effects.

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Interactive Multi Media ~ School of Computing & Information Management ~ Sheridan College




















