
Please fill in the questionnaire to reflect on the past lesson. Studies have shown that this increases grade by 10% and also will give the professor feedback as to how learning is progressing.

Student Name:

Outcome: Given the recording audio video tips, learners will receive five tips relating to camera equipment and recognize their importance so that they will be prepared when going on a shoot.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the recording audio video tips, learners will receive ten tips relating to planning in order to impart a desired message through proper usage of location and subject matter.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given the recording audio video tips, learners will receive ten tips on shooting in order to successfully obtain footage that is clear and smooth.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: With examples of different recording situations and cameras, learners will compare the differences so as to be aware of these effects in the field.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given camera overview pictures and manuals, learners will be prepared to explore consumer and prosumer cameras.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

Outcome: Given a demonstration of lighting and using microphones, learners will practice an interview in the classroom to gain confidence for future recording.

I have met this outcome
I will meet this outcome with more self-study
I will meet this outcome with peer help
I will need more time in class or with teacher to meet this outcome

What was the most INTERESTING thing you learned and why?

What area or areas are you UNSURE about?

   please fill in all fields

Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan