

The exam is one hour closed book, no computer. The exam is out of 100.

Look over each lesson plan and lesson documents. The only off-IMM-site material on the exam will be the three point lighting.

Here is the breakdown:

Lesson 1 - Interactive Audio Video Examples [17 Marks]
Lesson 2 - Audio Video Theory & Recording Audio and Video [18 Marks]
Lesson 3 - Processing Audio and Video [19 Marks]
Lesson 4 - Displaying Audio and Video on the Web [19 Marks]
Lesson 5 - Displaying Audio and Video in Flash [11 Marks]
Lesson 6 - Interactive Audio Video Output in Flash [16 Marks]

We discussed in class what types of questions you will get for the first five lessons. Here is what you will need to know for the last lesson:

I want you to know that the FLVPlayback component can have multiple players each with their own video. Only one player is visible at a time and you use the visibleVideoPlayerIndex to set this. If you want to set the properties of a player such as its video or whether its video is playing then you need to use the activeVideoPlayerIndex. To see two videos play at the same time then you have to cheat and override the visibleVideoPlayerIndex by accessing a player directly using getVideoPlayer() and then set the _visible of that player to true. To see both at once you would adjust the _alpha accordingly. Also, you loop video using a listener. And, to apply a filter like blur, you need to put the video into a movie clip first.

Best of luck!

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Interactive Multi Media ~ School of Computing & Information Management ~ Sheridan College




















