
Lab: Model and Construct a Database


In your client groups analyze the requirements below to:

  1. Determine the entities, domains, and data types
  2. Determine the candidate keys
  3. Model the problem space on paper - /5
  4. Verify the model is normalized to the 3rd degree - /9 (3 marks per degree)
  5. Create the DB in SQL Server 2005 and set Primary Keys - /6
  6. Populate the DB with the provided data - /5

The Problem:

Homework… you have lots of it coming at you from a bunch of different courses and while each course lists their own assignments there is no master list. So you will create a database of all assignments and their instructions and due dates.

It should be able to track the assignments you've been given in what course and by whom plus the instructions and mark value. It should also accept the grade you've received. It should track the instructor's E-Mail address and phone extension (where applicable). Finally assignments should be searchable by what is due on a given week (e.g. what assignments are due week 12).

Populate the DB using the actual assignments listed on the IMM Portal.

Verify the DB is working as you expect. Create a few queries to join the tables:
- Create a query that will tell you who gave what assignment when
- Create a query that will tell you the name and values of all assignments due in a given week.

A couple of hints:
- You might get the same assignment in different courses
- However the mark value for an assignment may not be consistent across each course
- You can look at the School DB we create in class as a general reference… however remember that it is not well normalized and you shouldn't duplicate it.
- Start simple on your queries… work your way up to the complicated joins. Your book has some hints on creating queries in Chapter 6, starting on pg 150.

To hand in:
  1. Please hand in the paper copy (or photocopy of) of the data model
  2. On one group member's PC create the actual DB.
  3. One group member E-Mail me the URL to the computer it's located on with the subject "AD - Week 4 Lab"
  4. In this E-Mail include the two queries listed above
  5. Leave this computer on. I will be logging into it from outside Sheridan.