
APPL55738 - 3 UNITS
Web Application Development 1 - (AD) Web apps with Ian

  • Course Overview - HTML
  • Course Outline - Unofficial Version - RTF

    SQL Server Users:

    Creating Logins & and User in SQL Server 2005.

    Books (for AD)

    [6.25%] Questions from Week 3 (Sept 28) Handout - DUE Oct5th
    [12.5%] Lab: Model and Construct a Database
    - Oct 5th in class, finished due Oct 12th
    [ 20% ] Midterm Exam (Week 7)
    [6.25%]Magic 8 Ball assignment Due Nov 16th

    General Programming Notes

    Below is a collection of notes and resources regarding general programming concepts and principals.

    They were originally developed for the Director course but are being made available here. While the code examples are in Lingo the concepts are the same for all langauges.

    • Variables, Data Types, & Arithmetic Operators - PDF
    • Operations and Precedence - PDF
    • Interactive Flash Example of Boolean Logic


    Introductions & Overview (Lesson 1) Sep 14th
      Lesson 1 - Introductions & Overview
    • Overview of the course
    • Introduction to Databases
    • Basic SQL queries
    • Homework: Read Chapters 1 & 2 in SQL on SQL Server 2005

    • Installing AdventureWorks

      Download the AdventureWorks DB - From the IMM Server

      Download the AdventureWorks DB - From TheBSOD Server

      Below is the command to execute as a query to install the AdventureWorks DB into SQL Server 2005

      Note: if you changed the destination directory in the installer you must replace the path you see below with the correct path to your files.

      exec sp_attach_db @dbname=N'AdventureWorks', @filename1=N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_Data.mdf', @filename2=N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\AdventureWorks_log.ldf'

      Lesson 1 Handout

    Database Structure - Data Modeling (Lesson 2) Sep 21st
      Lesson 2 - Database Structure - Relational Vs Dimensional
    • Creating flexible relational data structures and how to model basic relations using tables.
    • Given a simple dataset and problem to model, define which modeling method is most appropriate and create a model of that data
    • Lesson 2 Handout
    Advanced SQL (Lesson 3) Sep 28th
      Lesson 3 - Advanced SQL
    • Generating complex SQL queries accessing multiple tables
    • Inserting and updating data stored within a DB using SQL
    • Assignment: Homework from handout
    • Week 3 Notes

    Lab: Model and Construct a Database (Lesson 4) Oct 5th
      Lesson 4 - Lab: Model and Construct a Database
    • Model a database data structure then develop and populate the database with provided data.
    • Assignment: complete modeling lab assignment.
    • DUE: Homework questions from W3 handout.
    Server Side Programming and the .NET Framework (Lesson 5) Oct 12th
      Lesson 5 - Server Side Programming and the .NET Framework
    • Introduction to what Server Side programming is.
    • Introduction to the .NET & Mono Frameworks.
    • Introduction to ASP.NET, C#, and Visual Studio.NET.
    Learning the Fundamentals of Visual Studio
      Lesson 6 - Learning the Fundamentals of Visual Studio
    • Given a project outline students will be able define a new project within VS, configure the project, and add the necessary pages to the project.
    • Students will use and configure controls to create an application that responds to push button input.
    Programming With C#
      Lesson 8 - Programming With C#
    • Students will be able to define and explain the difference between reference and value data types, variable data type, variable scope, classes, members, methods, fields, properties, events, and name spaces.
    • Using a combination of controls and user defined classes, students will create a Magic 8-Ball application.
    Database Access With C#
      Lesson 9 - Database Access With C#
    • Getting and setting data in a Database from C#
    • Using a combination of controls and user defined classes, students will create a Magic 8-Ball application.
    • ASSIGNMENT: complete and hand in Magic 8 Ball assignment for next week.


    Additional information will be posted on a weekly basis
    Please be advised that there will be a Week 8 Class in AD

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