

Make motion graphics examples of

a) a moving mask over graphics and
b) a stationary mask with graphics moving underneath

The theme is mobile technology


1. Your motion graphics should compliment your content.
2. Motion graphics should help tell a story or create a related mood.
3. For impact, consider your composition, contrast, pacing and color.
4. Fonts are very important - they should relate to your content.
5. Consistency in alignment, style and attitude is important.
6. Give time for text messages to be read and make them legible.
7. If you are animating interface, watch out for your delay time.
8. Also watch out for repetition making your motion graphics stale.
9. Consider not doing everything at once but rather keep a rhythm.
10. Almost without exception, ease your motion graphics.


Post your FLA and SWF files on the IMM server at:



[This should take about six hours]

Due Feb 22 at start of class


Worth 20% of two credits

10    marks for visual design 1
10 marks for pacing 1
10 marks for relevance 1

10    marks for visual design 2
10 marks for pacing 2
10 marks for relevance 2

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















