
PROJECT :: PERSONAL PROJECT - Video Business Cards

Make two business card sized videos of different styles that promote you or your site. The cards should be done primarily in After Effects and should run about 10-30 seconds each. They should incorporate some sort of brand identity in combination with video footage or video effects - an animated logo with supportive visuals might be an example.

In theory, the cards could be used on your portfolio site as an interest item on your front page for instance. However, we have asked for two cards of different styles so that you can experiment with different techniques. This means that they may not both fit the style of your portfolio. That is okay - perhaps one can be done to fit the style and the other can be an experiment in a different direction.

Your cards should provide concise perhaps clever "stories" that at least suggest your interests, product or service. Purely visual effects without a narrative may be acceptable if applicable and of sufficient technological scope - although at least one of your cards should have a narrative. Please discuss with Professor.


2 video business cards 180 x 100
mov, flv, mpg or avi format
preferably 10-30 seconds long
of different styles
burnt on CD or DVD and handed in with name

[This should take about ten hours each]

Due Apr 6 at 4PM


Worth 40% of two credits

20    marks for quality of card 1
20 marks for relevance of card 1
20 marks for quality of card 2
20 marks for relevance of card 2

Quality includes mastery of technical and visual techniques. Relevance applies to suitability and effectiveness of video and effects to the content or message.

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















