

In the area of the self-publishing revolution we have gone from technical people and designers making Web sites to the general public making sites through self publishing tools like My Space, Blogger and WordPress. For the majority, these have been text and picture based - although the each propagate sound and video as well.

Now, Video Blogging or Vlogging is catching on with the world's first vlogging awards called the vloggies. Perhaps we will return to oral tradition. It was estimated that there were less than a thousand "serious" vloggers out there last year. I was one of them with my site Zen Vlog. I would like you to experience what it is like and recognize limitations, consider tools and techniques to overcome these limitations so that you and your clients have the advantage of your experience.

Vlogs are mixed in with video posting sites such as and YouTube. Having a "show" could be considered a vlog although not all vlogs need to be "shows". Vlogs can range from the purest sense of a person talking about their day into a camera to getting dressed up as superheros and acting out stories.


See AV Site


Four vlogging posts to be done and dated throughout the term but will be marked near the end. The vlog can be on anything and should be about a minute or two long. At least two of the posts should be in Zen Mix or the equivalent to make sure that you get the idea of blending. You are welcome to do them all there for consistency.

Along with each post should be a brief text description such as found at Zen Vlog. So you should make a Word Press or Blogger blog for posting.

E-mail me the link to your vlog after each post.

[This should take an hour or two per vlog]

Due Mar 29 at start of class


Worth 20% of two credits

20    marks for each blog

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















