

After Effects lets you create video effects and apply video effects to video. The effects are applied in similar ways. This assignment is to describe (in your own words) and provide examples (created by you) of two of the effects - one to adjust video and one to render video. The class will use a sign-up sheet to pick a unique effect from the adjustment or render list.

Each effect on the sign-up sheet has a code name which will allow us to easily create an online tutorial site.

Students will also present their effects to the class. The presentations will go over two lessons and should be about 10-15 minutes long including time for questions and discussion.


You are doing two effects. Put the files for each effect into a file folder called the same as the code name for the effect, zip the folder and send the two zip files to me via e-mail.

Make each folder have an index.html page using the provided DreamWeaver template. The index page should include:

1. Effect title and author name

2. Description and non-obvious steps (1-4 paragraphs)

3. A screenshot of one of the variations of the effect

4. A screenshot of the effect panel that made the variation

At the bottom of the template are three pop up links that show swf examples of variations of the effect. These swf files must be exported by you from AfterEffects, put in the folder for the effect and named as follows (remember that this is the Web - might consider making them flv's progressive download in the swf with a data rate of 400):


[each tutorial should take about 4 hours]

Due Feb 8 & 15 in class


Worth 30% of two credits

20    marks for presentation
20 marks for the adjustment tutorial
20 marks for the render tutorial

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Interactive Multimedia ~ School of Applied Engineering and Computing Sciences ~ Sheridan





















